Connect to ImagXpress Client

NotateXpress™ is a windowless control that provides annotation capability to an ImagXpress® client. Each NotateXpress control can have only one client ImagXpress control. The Client ImagXpress control may use multiple image buffers, however only one is being viewed at a time. NotateXpress deals only with the annotations of the image currently being viewed. 

In VB6

If you are using Visual Basic, set NotateXpress’s Client property to the name of the ImagXpress control. The Client property is the name of the ImagXpress component you wish to annotate.

Some containers such as Visual Basic activate components in design mode. In these containers in design mode, when you click on the Client property in the property browser you will see a drop-down list of controls able to be annotated in the container. Selecting a control from this list identifies the selected control to NotateXpress as its annotation client. You can also set the Client property at runtime to the name of the control you want to annotate. 

Using NotateXpress by Reference in VB6

If you are using NotateXpress by reference in Visual Basic, you will need to call the SetClientWindow method instead of setting the Client property. 

In VC++  

In environments, such as VC++, that do not support an AmbientName property to contained controls, call NotateXpress’s SetClientWindow method, passing the window handle of the ImagXpress control (ImagXpress.hWnd). 

If you are using NotateXpress by reference in Visual Basic, this is the recommended method to connect to ImagXpress. 

In Other Environments

If neither of these methods are available, use the InterfaceConnect method. This method takes an IUnknown pointer as its argument. As an example, if you are using the CreateObject method to create an ImagXpress object, you can pass the returned value to the InterfaceConnect method.  

See Also



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